
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Supersaturated Solutions

In learning about supersaturated solutions, our class used borax to make some amazing crystals. Some of the groups made such supersaturated solutions that so many crystals formed it was hard to get them out of the jar!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

UNR Basketball Game

On Wednesday, we were invited by the University of Nevada, Reno to attend a women's basketball game on campus. The goal was to introduce students to campus and instill the thought that college is a possibility after high school graduation. Upon returning from the field experience, we took an online tour of the UNR campus and investigated the different colleges on campus.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Saturated Solutions

In science, our class has been learning about saturated solutions. Last week we calculated that cold water holds 12-15 grams of salt and then reaches its saturation point. This week, students investigated if citric acid, when dissolved into cold water, has the same saturation point. Although not finished with the investigation yet, students have found that so far it is holding many more spoonfuls of citric acid. Today they will reach the saturation point and use math to calculate how many grams of the citric acid the water holds.