
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Reaction Rockets

We saw Newton's law of "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" while launching our reaction rockets Tuesday. Students compiled data on how high each rocket flew after being dropped from different distances. Next, students will find averages, plot on a coordinate grid, and analyze results....looking for patterns.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Nevada Historical Society and Planetarium

Thursday we had a great day on our field experience. We started at the Nevada Historical Society Museum at UNR. Our class was split into two groups, which each had a specialist lead the tour. We learned so much, and reinforced so much about our learning in school. Next, we watched an educational film about the Maya people and the astronomy they used. This connected to earlier learning this year as well. Finally, the director of the Fleishmann Planetarium came out and personally gave us a talk about astronomy and what could be seen in our night sky (although it rained Thursday night). The rain stayed away and we were able to eat a picnic lunch out on the grass, taking turns seeing the amazing sun dial there that is accurate to the minute (although it was 2 minutes off).

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kids Court

Today was a huge success while at the court house for our out of school learning experience. The entire class furthered their learning about the justice system through a mock trial. Half the class was the jury while half the class put on skit involving the trial of Curly Pig. Based on the story of the three little pigs, the wolf had brought Curly Pig to court for causing him harm and medical bills. Students surely know the aspects of a civil case now.