
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Food Webs

This week we are working on understanding the complexities of food webs within ecosystems. Monday we created food webs for a wooded ecosystem. Today we move into the marine ecosystem and understand predator/prey relationships within them.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Food Chain

In science this week we learned how earth is a system. Focusing on the biosphere, students learned about food chains a created a woods ecosystem food chain

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Engineering Challenge

We had our first mini engineering challenge. Constraints included: 2 index cards, 1 foot of tape, and 15 minutes. The challenge was to work in their team to build the tallest tower out of the cards and tape. We learned many important principles regarding engineering today. Although the tallest tower height went to 4 students at group 5, this height will certainly be broken in future challenges.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Archaeology Dig

Today was the big dig. After incorporating archaeology into social studies and reading this week, today our class got to be actual archaeologists. The sand box was divided into 6 quadrants. Each team of scientists excavated a particular quadrant. As an artifact was discovered, it was recorded down in their lab book, both a description as well as the location it was found. A photo was also taken of the artifact. Upon returning to the classroom, team and class discussions occurred about the artifacts, their usage, the culture(s) in each site and any interactions that might have occurred between any different cultures that lived in the area at the same time. Finally, students wrote up their "grant report" for the "funding" of their dig, individually explaining those things discussed in discussions.