
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Welcome Back!

I am so excited for this new school year to begin. I have so many exciting learning activities planned. In addition, there are a few new additions to the playground to be excited about. First, the blacktop has been resurfaced and new lines painted. It looks great. Second, a few new pieces of playground equipment have been added to the playground. I look forward to seeing everyone on August 10th! Parents, feel free to "subscribe" to this blog. Just add your email address to the "subscribe" box on the right. You will receive an email, which you will have to confirm wanting to be a subscriber. This often goes to a JUNK MAIL box, so look there. If you don't confirm, you won't get updates emailed to you. By subscribing, each time I update the blog it will send you what I post. It makes it easy to stay updated with what is going on, especially visually, in the classroom. At any time you can unsubscribe and at the end of the school year I even unsubscribe you so you won't receive posts next year.