
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Welcome Back!

The first day of school is almost upon us. I am excited to meet all of my new 5th graders the first day of school, August 7th. We have many exciting learning opportunities coming up this year, including our 4-day experience at Journeys Outdoor School near Portola, California in September. Science will also help kick off our school year with one of the biggest solar eclipses to occur in the U.S. in a long time. We will surely capitalize on that excitement! Parents- You can subscribe to the blog updates by simply entering your email address in the box on the right of the screen. Any time I update the blog, you will simply receive it as an email. So easy. Once you put in your email, you will receive a verification email. If you don't verify it, you won't receive the emails, so make sure to verify.