
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How is Mass Impacted by Gravity?

We are beginning a new unit in science, looking at gravity and its impact on different mass objects. Today we gathered small group data on different sized bolts that were dropped into buckets of flour. Tomorrow we will use small group averages to create class averages for each mass of bolt. Hopefully, patterns will develop to help us understand how mass and gravity are related.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Art Show- Coding Our Art

Today we had a quick art show for a class of fourth graders. It was fantastic that our class got to show off their hard work. The fourth graders sure were impressed! You can see a video of the art show at https://www.flickr.com/photos/101610181@N02/albums/72157704789290832

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Movable Artwork

The challenge this week in computer science was to find a piece of art online, print it out, and make it animate in at least one way. Students did amazing. Using our Hummingbird Bits, students wrote code and connected the Ipads to the artwork through Bluetooth so that pieces moved, lights flashed, and some were even activated by sounds to turn on. Friday a fourth grade class will come and visit our "art show".


Recently, students participated in a few science labs to better understand density. One such lab had students test four different colored liquids for their density. The goal was to organize the four liquids in order from least dense to most dense. In order to figure this out, teams of scientists layered small amounts of the liquids in straw using a pipette. If the colors mixed, the one on top was more dense. If the colors didn't mix and one stayed on top of the other, the one on top was less dense. After about 20 minutes every scientific team had successfully layered all four liquids in the straw.