
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our Neurons are Firing!

This week, our class combined a little science with math.  We measured our reflexes in our right and left hands as another student dropped a sheet of paper with markings on it.  Where our fingers grabbed the paper were measurements representing how fast our reaction time was.  After 10 trials on each hand, we figured out our range, mode, median, maximum, and minimum reaction times. 

The Run for Education is quickly approaching.  This is a fantastic opportunity to build school pride adn work on our physical fitness.  The event is October 17th.  Schools with the most students participating are awarded grant money to purchase PE supplies for the school.  We have won this in the past, but not recently.  It would be great to see you all there.  Entry forms are available at the school, including in your child's classroom. 

On another note...if you had signed up for the updates to be sent from our class webpage to your email then that is great. However, I learned that the photos that are posted there don't get sent.  So, if you like to see some great learning in action, you will have to visit the actual website at http://brocksclass.blogspot.com/ .