
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our Journey Ends

We are back!  What an amazing trip.  Let me have the students, in their own words (taken from their lengthy personal reflections) tell the story.

"Ecosystem is like a surrounding of home, like a neighbors."-Chris
"I had to have to have trust in my team through the challenge course."-Autumn
"I learn about ort with our food and how to prevent it."-Shane
I learned "how bats can see in the dark" and "how to work together."- Carter
"We learned about invertibrates. We learned to tell that if a X is on its back it is a true bug (not an insect)."-Jackson
"I learned a kind of chemical in your eye is called roydopsin."Kellyn
"I learned that biotic means it was alive or is alive, and abiotic means not alive or wasn't alive."-Maile
"I learned how to climb a flat wall, to adapt my eyes in the night...and how to trust people."-Ben
"I learned personal things too. I learned I can walk in the dark alone even though I was kind of nervous."- Allie
"Getting along to complete a task...I  learned how to trust people guiding me with a blind fold."-Brennan
"I learned about the solar system."-Analycia
"The sun can run out of gas."-Jack
"I learned about night vision and how we see in the dark..."-Wyatt
"I learned how to conquer my fear."-Makenna
"You are supposed to find out if the water is healthy for the fish."-Joe
"I learned that when the moon is waxing it's getting bigger and when the moon is waning it is getting smaller."-Rebekah
"There is a lot of wild things out there."-J.P.
"I learned the ways of gravity that it goes down by itself. I learned the moon faces (phases) and bluemoon."-Chloe
"I can be myself around people...Cirpuscular means awake at twilight."-Taylor
"I learned that I can not be afraid of heights...I learned that dissolved oxygen is made out of oxygen that isdisenorate and go into the water."-Jakob
"I learned echo location and I learned that two hoof marks is a deer."-Kalena
"Cones make you see color. Rods make you see black and white."-Jack
"I also learned that population means amount of things such as a group of animals, people or plants."-Annika
"I learned about pH amounts in the water and the dissolved oxygen."-Tucker
"Grizzly Creek was fun. We did a course that was fun but taught us how to trust each other."-Abree
"I learned that cones in your eyes help you see color. Rods, that are in your eyes, help you see black and white."-Emme

The quotes could go on and on.  These are just a sample, one sentence in most cases, of what the students wrote about after we returned.