
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Separating Mixtures and other Happenings in 5th Grade

In social studies this week students in our class are learning about the migration to the Americas.  It is hard to believe we will cover so much this year, from migrating to the Americas all the way to the Civil War.  In math we are beginning to work on squared numbers.  We are moving slowly on this so that each child comprehends that 6 squared is 36, etc.  Eventually we will reverse this process and find the square root of numbers.  In science students began making basic mixtures and are on their way to separating them back into their original components.  This was easily done with a screen filter on gravel and water, but unsuccessful with the powder and salt.  Students will try another method on Thursday and yet another down the road, as one is a special mixture called a solution.

Below are a few photos of science this week. If they don't appear (they don't on my end when I get the email), simply click on the blank spot and they will show up.