
Some people learn about the world from the Discovery Channel. Others explore it. Be an explorer!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Importance of Observations

We had our first science lab, which stressed the importance of detailed observations. Each student received a stick, which looked similar in all ways to the other 27 sticks in class. As students wrote down observations, mini lessons occurred that reminded them of key concepts while writing observations (scaled drawings, labels, measure accurately in the metric system, detailed shading or coloring, weighing, having multiple drawings of different angles, etc.). All sticks were collected and the following morning students reviewed their lab book notes. All sticks were spread out and students, had to find their own stick and PROVE it was theirs using their notes. This was very successful and done within 8 minutes. Next, we discussed how often times other people utilize notes that scientists write. These need to be detailed enough and legible so others know what the scientist is talking about. Students clarified their notes and then had a challenge. They had to switch notebooks and only rely on the notebook to help them find a peer's stick. Much more difficult, yet it set a stage for the importance of putting down all information in a detailed way so others (mainly me while I am grading their labs this year) know ALL of the information that is inside each of their heads. A very successful lab to start with.

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